
Fully Funded Mexico Scholarships 2024/2025

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Mexico, a country rich in culture, history, and academic opportunities, offers several fully funded scholarship programs for international students. These scholarships provide a unique opportunity for students worldwide to pursue their academic dreams without the financial burden.

The financial packages often cover tuition, accommodation, health insurance, and more. Here are some fully funded scholarships in Mexico that you might want to consider.

Mexican Government Scholarship Program for International Students

The Mexican Government Scholarship Program for International Students is an esteemed initiative aimed at attracting and nurturing high-achieving scholars from around the globe. Specifically targeted at postgraduate students, this program offers scholarships to applicants hailing from over 180 countries.


To be eligible for the scholarship, you must:

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  • Be a citizen of a country with which Mexico has diplomatic relations.
  • Not hold Mexican citizenship or permanent residency.
  • Have a Bachelor’s degree (for Master’s and Postgraduate Research programs) or a Master’s degree (for Doctoral programs).
  • Meet the specific academic requirements of the chosen program.
  • Have a minimum Spanish language proficiency level of B2 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Application Process

The application process is typically open from January to March each year. To apply, you must:

  1. Choose your program: Review the list of participating universities and programs on the official website of the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID).
  2. Create an online profile: Register on the AMEXCID online platform and create a profile.
  3. Submit your application: Upload all required documents, including your academic transcripts, CV, letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose.

Remember, the Mexican Government Scholarship Program for International Students is not just a scholarship but a golden opportunity to partake in a rich academic experience while adding to the global academic community.

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Mexican Government Scholarship Program for International Students

The Mexican Government Scholarship Program for International Students is an esteemed initiative aimed at attracting and nurturing high-achieving scholars from around the globe. Specifically targeted at postgraduate students, this program offers scholarships to applicants hailing from over 180 countries.


The scholarship covers a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Full tuition fees
  • Monthly stipend
  • Medical insurance
  • Round-trip airfare
  • Visa processing fee
  • Spanish language course (optional)


To be eligible for the scholarship, you must:

  • Be a citizen of a country with which Mexico has diplomatic relations.
  • Not hold Mexican citizenship or permanent residency.
  • Have a Bachelor’s degree (for Master’s and Postgraduate Research programs) or a Master’s degree (for Doctoral programs).
  • Meet the specific academic requirements of the chosen program.
  • Have a minimum Spanish language proficiency level of B2 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Application Process

The application process is typically open from January to March each year. To apply, you must:

  1. Choose your program: Review the list of participating universities and programs on the official website of the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID).
  2. Create an online profile: Register on the AMEXCID online platform and create a profile.
  3. Submit your application: Upload all required documents, including your academic transcripts, CV, letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose.
  4. Language test: If required by the program, take a Spanish language proficiency test.

Remember, the Mexican Government Scholarship Program for International Students is not just a scholarship but a golden opportunity to partake in a rich academic experience while adding to the global academic community.

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UDEM Excellence Scholarship for Foreign Students

Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM) presents the Excellence Scholarship for Foreign Students, an initiative specifically designed to encourage and recognize academic brilliance among international scholars. This scholarship is not restricted by geographical boundaries and welcomes applicants who showcase exceptional academic prowess and a clear demonstration of leadership potential.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Be an international student (not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident).
  • Have received an offer of admission to a full-time undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral program at UdeM.
  • Meet the specific academic requirements set by the university and the program you’re applying for.
  • Have valid study authorizations (CAQ and study permit) for all sessions of your study program.
  • Be continuously enrolled full-time (unless absence is approved) for your entire study program.
  • Not benefit from another form of tuition fee exemption.
  • Not enrolled in an independent study program.

Scholarship Amounts:

The amount of the exemption varies depending on your program level:

  • Undergraduate programs:
    • Level A: $13,340.40 per year
    • Level B: $6,357.60 per year
    • Level C: $2,223.90 per year
  • Graduate programs:
    • Master’s (non-research): $10,474.65 per year
    • Master’s (research): $10,347.75 per year
    • PhD: $22,241.25 per year

The UDEM Excellence Scholarship for Foreign Students represents a beacon of hope for many international students. It is an invitation to embark on an exciting academic adventure in Mexico, enriched with culture, diversity, and intellectual growth. Make the most of this opportunity and take a step closer to your academic dreams.

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What are other scholarship options to study in Mexico?

Several scholarships are available for international students to study in Mexico. Here are some notable ones:

  • Mexican Government Scholarships: Offered by the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID), these scholarships cover tuition fees, living expenses, and health insurance for various degree levels. Eligibility varies depending on the specific program.
  • Individual University Scholarships: Many universities in Mexico offer their own scholarships to international students. Check the websites of universities you’re interested in for details.
  • Organization-Specific Scholarships: Organizations like the Fulbright Commission and Rotary International offer scholarships for studying in Mexico. Explore their websites for their eligibility criteria.

Can I get a scholarship to study in Mexico?

Yes, there are definitely scholarship opportunities to study in Mexico. Your chances depend on your academic background, chosen program, and specific scholarship eligibility criteria. Research well and apply to scholarships that match your profile.

Can I study for free in Mexico?

While complete free tuition is rare, scholarships can significantly reduce your study costs in Mexico. Some scholarships cover full tuition, while others might require additional personal funding. Remember, living expenses still apply, so factor those in while budgeting.

Can I study in Mexico without IELTS?

Yes, studying in Mexico without IELTS is possible! Many universities accept other English proficiency tests like TOEFL or Duolingo English Test. Some programs even waive English language requirements entirely. Check with the specific university and program for their accepted tests and required scores.

Can I work while studying in Mexico?

International students can apply for a work permit alongside their study permit, allowing them to work part-time (up to 24 hours per week) during their studies. However, there might be restrictions depending on your nationality and study program. Always consult the Mexican authorities for the latest regulations on work permits for international students.


Mexico, with its vibrant culture and history, holds a wealth of academic opportunities that are not only intellectually stimulating but also financially accessible. These fully funded scholarships offer international students a golden chance to attain a high-quality education without having to worry about finances.

In conclusion, fully funded scholarships in Mexico provide an extraordinary platform for students to achieve academic success and contribute to a global society. It’s not just about the financial assistance; it’s about the opportunities, experiences, and networks that come with being a scholarship recipient. Make the most of these opportunities and set the stage for a prosperous future.

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