
Fully Funded Sri Lanka Scholarships 2024/2025

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In the face of mounting higher education costs, scholarships provide much-needed financial relief. If you’re from Sri Lanka and dream of studying abroad or in your home country, we have great news!

Numerous fully funded scholarships are specifically dedicated to Sri Lankan students, helping to bridge the gap between ambition and reality. In this blog, we will dig into five such scholarships, covering their benefits, eligibility, and application procedures.

SWEIC Scholarship

The Scholarship for Worldwide Education in Innovation and Creativity (SWEIC), a product of Sri Lanka’s education system, is designed to financially aid deserving Sri Lankan students seeking international education opportunities. This comprehensive scholarship caters to various financial aspects, including tuition fees, accommodation costs, and travel expenses, further sweetened with a monthly stipend. It is a unique platform that opens doors to overseas higher education for Sri Lankan students.


  • Be a citizen of a developing country eligible for Sida assistance 
  • Hold a bachelor’s degree equivalent to a Swedish Bachelor’s degree (Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science) completed by June of the application year.
  • Have applied to and been admitted to a full-time master’s degree program at an accredited Swedish university starting in the following academic year.
  • Meet the specific English language proficiency requirements of your chosen master’s program.

Scholarship Coverage:

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  • Full tuition fees (paid directly to the university)
  • A monthly living allowance to cover living expenses in Sweden (currently SEK 14,400 per month)
  • Travel grant to and from Sweden (SEK 15,000)
  • Insurance costs

One notable characteristic of the SWEIC scholarship is its variable deadlines and application procedures, which tend to change every year. Hence, potential applicants are encouraged to stay updated by frequently visiting the official SWEIC website for the most recent information. This scholarship, with its all-inclusive financial coverage, truly embodies a lifeline for ambitious Sri Lankan students wanting to expand their horizons through international education.

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Chevening Scholarship

For students hailing from Sri Lanka with dreams of studying in the UK, the Chevening Scholarship offers an extraordinary opportunity. Funded by the UK government, the scholarship funds an entire one-year master’s degree program at any UK institution. It is not merely a tuition scholarship; Chevening also provides a monthly stipend for living expenses, return airfare from Sri Lanka to the UK in economy class, and additional grants to cover necessary costs during the scholarship period.


  • Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country 
  • Have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification that would normally allow you to enter postgraduate study in the UK.
  • Have at least two years of work experience (a minimum of 30 months is preferred).
  • Meet the English language proficiency requirements.

Scholarship Coverage:

  • Full tuition fees for any master’s degree program at a UK university.
  • A monthly living allowance to cover your living expenses in the UK.
  • Return flight ticket from your home country to the UK.
  • Visa application fee.
  • Travel grant to attend Chevening events in the UK.

Application Process:

The application process for Chevening Scholarships typically opens in mid-August and closes in mid-November. You can find more information and apply online through the Chevening website:

Considering the level of competition for this prestigious scholarship, early preparation is highly recommended. Crafting a compelling application that highlights your academic achievements, leadership potential, and your plans to give back to your community can significantly increase your chances of success.

Apply Now 

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Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Programme (AKF-ISP)

The Aga Khan Foundation’s International Scholarship Programme (AKF-ISP) stands as another beacon of hope for Sri Lankan students aspiring to pursue postgraduate studies. With a focus on developing nations, this program extends its reach to Sri Lanka, offering financial aid to meritorious students facing financial constraints. Although it primarily functions as a loan program, a distinctive feature of the AKF-ISP is its flexible financial structure. It considers up to 50% of the loan amount as a grant, determined based on the applicant’s financial status.

What is AKF-ISP?

  • Established in 1969 by His Highness the Aga Khan, AKF-ISP has supported over 1,000 scholars to date.
  • It provides 50% grant and 50% loan for tuition fees and living expenses, supporting Master’s and PhD programs.
  • The loan component requires repayment after your studies, aiming to cultivate a sense of responsibility and community investment.

Who is eligible?

  • Be a citizen of an eligible developing country  
  • Demonstrate excellent academic records with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification.
  • Genuinely lack alternative means of financing your studies and have a thoughtful funding plan.
  • Be admitted to a reputable postgraduate institution.
  • Possess strong leadership potential, professional experience, and extracurricular achievements.

Scholarship benefits:

  • Financial support for tuition and living expenses (50% grant, 50% loan).
  • Access to a network of scholars and professionals within the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN).
  • Potential opportunities for internships and mentoring within the AKDN.

Application process:

  • Applications are handled by local Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), Aga Khan Education Services (AKES), or Aga Khan Education Board (AKEB) offices in your country.
  • Contact your local AKF office for specific deadlines and application procedures.
  • Applications typically open in early January and close in March or April.

 This early preparation will allow applicants ample time to craft a strong application that effectively highlights their academic achievements and financial needs. Despite the challenge, the opportunity to reduce postgraduate study expenses through the AKF-ISP is undoubtedly worth the effort.

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How to get a scholarship to study abroad from Sri Lanka?

There are several options for Sri Lankan students seeking scholarships to study abroad:

  • Government scholarships: The Sri Lankan government offers various scholarships through the Ministry of Higher Education and other ministries. Explore their websites and scholarship listings.
  • University scholarships: Many universities worldwide offer scholarships specifically for international students, including those from Sri Lanka. Research universities and their scholarship offerings directly.
  • International scholarships: Organizations like the Mastercard Foundation, Fulbright Program, and DAAD (Germany) offer scholarships open to Sri Lankan students. Explore their websites and eligibility criteria.
  • Private foundations and organizations: Numerous private foundations and organizations offer scholarships based on diverse criteria like academic merit, financial need, and specific fields of study. Research scholarship websites and relevant organizations.

How do you get a 100% scholarship?

There’s no guaranteed formula, but strategic efforts and strong applications significantly increase your chances:

  • Meet eligibility criteria meticulously: This includes academic requirements, language proficiency scores, and specific program stipulations.
  • Excel academically: Strong grades, standardized test scores, and a proven track record of achievement stand out.
  • Craft a compelling application: Write a clear and impactful statement showcasing your goals, aspirations, and how the scholarship aligns with them.
  • Collect strong recommendation letters: Seek letters from professors, advisors, or individuals familiar with your potential and achievements.
  • Apply early and strategically: Submit applications well before deadlines and focus on programs matching your profile and needs.
  • Explore diverse opportunities: Government, university, foundation, and organization-specific scholarships exist. Research thoroughly and cast a wide net.

Is Sri Lanka a Chevening eligible country?

Yes, Sri Lanka is a Chevening-eligible country. The Chevening Scholarships offer full funding for postgraduate studies in the UK to outstanding individuals with leadership potential. 

Which country is easiest to get full scholarship?

There’s no single “easiest” country. Many nations offer full scholarships, but competition and eligibility vary. Consider factors like:

  • Your field of study: Research countries excelling in your chosen field and offering relevant programs.
  • Personal preferences: Consider culture, language, cost of living, and location when choosing a study destination.
  • Scholarship availability and competition: Research scholarship opportunities in different countries and assess their eligibility and competitiveness.

Remember, finding the right fit for your profile and goals is crucial.

Which country gives the most scholarships to international students?

Countries like Germany, France, Sweden, and Norway are known for offering numerous scholarships to international students. However, remember that competition for such programs can be fierce.


Scholarships offer a pathway to exceptional learning opportunities, enabling students to pursue their academic dreams without the financial strain. For Sri Lankan students eager to delve into higher education, the aforementioned fully funded scholarships – SWEIC, Chevening, AKF-ISP, Australian Awards, and the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program – present a remarkable chance to further their studies, both domestically and internationally. Each scholarship program emphasizes academic excellence, leadership potential, and a commitment to serve their communities.

In conclusion, these fully funded scholarships provide an invaluable opportunity for Sri Lankan students to access quality education and unlock their potential. It’s about taking that leap, seizing the opportunity, and embarking on a journey of educational excellence that will shape your future and, in turn, the future of Sri Lanka. 

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